Quick intro on my journal

Project Journal

I see you are interrested in my processed, that or you accidently stumbled here.
For whatever reason I welcome you to my process journal.
I want to document my work to keep an eye out of my process, and who knows.
Maybe you can find the issue you were struggling in in my information and documentation

Making the Journal Template

Step 1, An efficient Kanban board

Lets start with, What is a kanban board?
A Kanban board is a tool for agile projectmanagement.
Simply said, its a board that keeps track of where all the tasks are.
During a project you can divide your tasks into elements and put them on the board.
This way you can have a great view on what needs to be done and where we are.
In my experience in Bullet journaling(Bujo) I learned that its easier to let go of your train of throught by writing it down.

And during a gamejam we had a bright idea of making a fridge to store our ideas, and this addition always helped me

The most important feature in this kanban should be simplisity...as in making it simple for me AFTER its done
And that should be done by drag and dropping.
After a hot shower I realized the best way is to create folders and let php read those folders.
That way the only change that we need to do is move the projectfolder to the correct option.
It took a handfull of digging but I settled on using the scandir function.
This function throws out all the data found in the path you have given it.
However keep in mind this function spits the data from the perpective of the code it is being called from.

And I just love the include function within PHP.
adding a php script into a html script gives an Object-Oriented Project feel.

                        $dirFridge    = "../Journal/Fridge/";
                        $dirGoals    = "../Journal/Goals/";
                        $dirDoing    = "../Journal/Doing/";
                        $dirDone    = "../Journal/Done/";
                        $filesFridge = scandir($dirFridge);
                        $countFridge = count($filesFridge);
                        $filesGoals = scandir($dirGoals);
                        $countGoals = count($filesGoals);
                        $filesDoing = scandir($dirDoing);
                        $countDoing = count($filesDoing);
                        $filesDone = scandir($dirDone);
                        $countDone = count($filesDone);
                        $highestCount = max($countFridge,$countDoing,$countGoals,$countDone);
                        function filterEmpty($insert){
                            if($insert == "." || $insert == ".." || is_null($insert)){
                                return " ";
                                return $insert;
                        function CreateLinkIfNotEmpty($insert){
                            if($insert == "." || $insert == ".." || is_null($insert)){
                                return " ";
                                return $insert;
                            for($i = 2; $i < $highestCount; $i++){ ?>
                                <td><a href="<?php echo $dirFridge . filterEmpty($filesFridge[$i]) . "/JournalEntry.php"?> "><?php  echo filterEmpty($filesFridge[$i]);?></a></td>
                                <td><a href="<?php echo $dirGoals . filterEmpty($filesGoals[$i]) . "/JournalEntry.php"?> "><?php  echo filterEmpty($filesGoals[$i]);?></a></td>
                                <td><a href="<?php echo $dirDoing . filterEmpty($filesDoing[$i]) . "/JournalEntry.php"?> "><?php  echo filterEmpty($filesDoing[$i]);?></a></td>
                                <td><a href="<?php echo $dirDone . filterEmpty($filesDone[$i]) . "/JournalEntry.php"?> "><?php  echo filterEmpty($filesDone[$i]);?></a></td>

Making the Journal Template

Step 2, The homepage should not be empty

Now that the list has been created its important that the homepage is never empty.
But nobody wants to read what you're doing on the first visit.
The most interresting things need to be shown first and foremost.
Thats why I made a script using the done variable within the kanban board and my favorite include function.

                    for($j = 0; $j < $countDone; $j++){ 
                        $solution = $filesDone[$j];
                        if($solution == "." || $solution == ".." || is_null($solution)){
                            ?><hr /> <?php
                            include("Done/". $solution ."/ProjectInformation.php");